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Douglas Flynn is the Community Programs Manager at BayPath Elder Services, Inc., overseeing the Family Caregiver Support Program, Caregiving MetroWest, the Healthy Living Program, Elder Community Care, the LGBT Outreach Initiative and our five housing sites in Marlborough, Framingham and Holliston.
Before that, he served as CaregivingMetroWest.org Program Manager from the inception of the program in 2012 until 2018. Prior to that, he served as the Program Coordinator for the Caregiving MetroWest planning grant, funded by the MetroWest Health Foundation to research the needs of MetroWest caregivers and how best to address them with this website.
Douglas received his BA from Brown University with an honors degree in History and a degree in Afro-American Studies.
Douglas has over 20 years of experience in journalism, having worked as a sports writer, editor and Boston Bruins and New England Patriots beat reporter for the MetroWest Daily News, Boston Herald, New England Hockey Journal and the New England Sports Network (NESN).
Debra joined BayPath Elder Services, in November of 2018 in the new role of Social Media Coordinator. Debra will be maintaining our website, revving up our social media posts, pulling together key happenings here at BayPath to share in our newsletter, and will be managing our blog by writing and collecting interesting stories, facts, and tips on caregiving.
Debra’s personal experience as a family caregiver made her aware and ultimately very appreciative of the external support that is available for both the elder and the caregiver. When a social media position arose at BayPath, Debra perused the role and accepted the offer with gratitude, glad that she could lend her skill set to contribute in the overall mission of BayPath Elder Services and MetroWestCaregivers.org.
Debra has over 15-years of marketing experience and has specialized in digital media over the last 10 years.
Debra holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree, graduating with honors, from the Fashion Institute of Technology, NYC. Her hobbies include painting, reading suspense fiction and riding her motorcycle. She resides in Sterling, MA with her husband and two amazing, rescued pit bulls – Stella 4 and Jack 15.
Stephen Corso, MSW, LICSW
Stephen E. Corso was the Director of Strategic Initiatives for BayPath Elder Services, Inc. through December 2017, and was the guiding force of the project to create Caregiving MetroWest.
Stephen has written, co-written and received funding for numerous grant proposals. He has been the Project Director for Elder Community Care, first funded by The MetroWest Community Health Care Foundation in 2003; The Senior Support Network, a peer-to-peer older adult in-home counseling program funded by Crossroads Community Foundation in 2006; BayPathways, a personal care attendant capacity building grant funded by The MetroWest Community Health Care Foundation in 2006; The Geriatric Medication Administration Program, funded by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs in 2007; and The Family Caregiver Connections Project, funded by Tufts Health Plan Foundation in 2009.
He has received training in evaluation at the MetroWest Health Foundation Evaluation Institute, by the Bruner Foundation in 2011 and has evaluated numerous pilot projects for which he was the Project Director.
Leslie May-Chibani is currently the assistant director at Minuteman Senior Services in Bedford. Before joining Minuteman in 2014, May-Chibani served as the Community-Based Care Transitions Program Manager for BayPath Elder Services. She is certified as a Coleman Transitions Coach supporting elders and their families during the transition from the hospital back home.
Prior to her work in Care Transitions, Leslie worked for six years as a Care Advisor with the Family Caregiver Support Program at BayPath. During this time she worked one-on-one with over 300 family caregivers through all stages of their journey. She created and facilitated a caregiver support group for three years; she founded and chaired the first two years of the Partnership to Promote Healthy Caregiving, which is a caregiver coalition bringing together professionals and family caregivers in MetroWest to improve access and services for caregivers along the continuum of care; and she is trained in and has led three “Powerful Tools for Caregivers” classes, an evidenced-based program which teaches family caregivers how to strengthen their skills.
In addition, Leslie has over five years of experience working with elders and their families in skilled nursing facilities as an activities director and in elderly housing as assistant manager.
A Hopkinton resident, Diane was a long-distance caregiver for over 10 years for her father, who had dementia. She was also a member of caregiver support group for seven years.
She managed all aspects of her father’s care, including in-home health aides, home maintenance and medical and financial matters. Diane feels that the benefit of sharing experiences is a great source of strength and support for the caregiver community.
Sara is the Clinical Director for Right at Home Boston Metro in Newton. Right at Home provided in-home caregivers for seniors and others who need help to remain living in their own homes, wherever home may be. Sara provides care assessments, home safety evaluations, and customized care plans, and supervises a large staff of caregivers to ensure excellent care is delivered.
She writes and delivers presentations to professionals and seniors on a variety or topics including: Managing Your Medical Care, Exercise for Seniors, Medication Interactions, and Meals That Heal. Sara specializes in geriatric nursing care and has worked in assisted living, adult day health, and hospital settings, and has a particular interest and extensive training in care of those with memory impairment.