Self care is not selfish

Information, training and tips that help you STAY HEALTHY AS A FAMILY CAREGIVER!

Physical self-care.
Tips on finding the time to eat well, rest, keep doctors’ appointments, exercise.

Mental well-being.
How to avoid burnout by reducing stress, fatigue, anxiety, guilt, loneliness.

Spiritual fitness.
Ways to help yourself believe that you are enough, you’re doing the best you can, and it is ok to ask for help.


Make time for Respite

What is respite and why is it important for caregivers?


No matter how small, find some support

Every caregiver needs some support, make sure you find some for yourself.


Caregiving Quotes of Note

Check out some words of wisdom, insight or appreciation about caregiving and caregivers.


Don’t be in the dark about diagnosis, educate yourself!

Learning more about the condition of your loved one can help in many ways.


Keep Meals Simple

Who has time to make big fancy meals anymore? Not caregivers! If you are cooking meals for a loved one, follow one rule: Keep it simple!


The best way to take care of a loved one is to take care of yourself

Too often do not keep up with their own health appointments, and that can lead to the caregiver actually becoming sick and unable to care for their loved one any longer.


Encourage Independence

Caregivers should be open to technologies and strategies that allow your family member to be as independent as possible.


Be in Their World

As long as their reality is not hurting anyone it is OK to “play along.” Doing this can make for a much calmer conversation and less anxiety for your loved one.


Happy Fourth of July

Whatever activities you are partaking in with your loved one for the Fourth of July holiday, make it a great lasting memory! And also make this dessert to share!


Thoughts on “Young” Caregiving

What do you do if you are in your late 20s or early 30s and suddenly find yourself caring for your parents or another loved one? How is this different? How do you get support?