Self care is not selfish
Information, training and tips that help you STAY HEALTHY AS A FAMILY CAREGIVER!
Physical self-care.
Tips on finding the time to eat well, rest, keep doctors’ appointments, exercise.
Mental well-being.
How to avoid burnout by reducing stress, fatigue, anxiety, guilt, loneliness.
Spiritual fitness.
Ways to help yourself believe that you are enough, you’re doing the best you can, and it is ok to ask for help.
Summer Safety
Summer heat and sun can be dangerous if precautions are not taken. Here are a few tips and reminders for summer safety for your loved ones and you!
Winter Weather Tips
The winter weather is upon us! Stay prepared and informed about common health hazards for older adults in the winter months.
Remember the Veterans in Your Life
Being a veteran means living day to day life as a hero in disguise. And these heroes may walk among us today as our parents, our grandparents, our neighbors, or even you, the caregiver!
Celebrate Caregivers This Month- and Always!
November is National Family Caregivers Month! Progressive Care Partners has a great list of 10 ideas on how others can celebrate Caregivers this month!
Winter Weather Tips
The winter weather is upon us! Stay prepared and informed about common health hazards for older adults in the winter months.
New Year Resolutions
A new year brings new things we all want to try and accomplish, change, or add to our lives. As a caregiver, take the time to think about something you can do for YOU this year!
Spring has Sprung
May is here! And I have finally been thinking about spring, more specifically, spring cleaning! Find tips for cleaning and organizing with your loved one.
Summer Vacation.. Whats That?
As a caregiver a summer vacation may seem like an overwhelming or impossible plan. Who will take care of your loved one? What happens if they have a fall?
Celebrate Independence
Being independent with even the smallest of tasks will promote physical, mental, social and emotional health for your loved one.
Happy Veterans Day
Caring for a veteran? That is amazing! On behalf of myself and the Family Caregiver Support Program at BayPath Elder Services, thank them. And then thank yourself for us, for caring for them.