The Tough Decisions about Long Term Care

When a family is making a long term care decision for a loved one, the cost can be overwhelming. The emotional cost that is. It is not easy for some to think about these decisions for their loved one. Will they be safe? Will they be happy? Am I making the right choice for them? Will they, or other family members, agree?

As the caregiver, you have the best insight as to the safety and needs of your loved one and you should not feel bad if the care that is being provided at home is not enough any longer. Needs change and it can be increasingly difficult to care for your loved one and for yourself.

Talk to your Caregiver Specialist for support around these decisions or when trying to decide if long term care may be the right choice for you and your loved one. Also, you can be connected to many people who are able to work with families who may not agree on these tough decisions or to agencies that can work with you to find the right long term care fit for your loved one.