Keep Warm, and Safe, This Winter

It’s that time of year again when the air is cold, the weather is unpredictable and we need different precautions to keep our loved ones safe.

Everyone should be careful and take precautions, but elders face unique challenges during the winter months. How can we make sure we are keeping them as safe as possible? Here are a few tips to remember and try this winter.

Avoid falls – When going outside having shoes with good traction or replacing worn out cane/walker tips can help avoid a fall that could have serious complications. Also, your loved one going out alone may be dangerous so maybe plan activities together.

Dressing for the weather – In addition to shoes, making sure your loved one gets bundled up when going out into the cold is important. Hats, scarves and mittens can help heat stay in our bodies longer while making a trip out into the cold.

Carbon monoxide detector – Some heating methods can bring carbon monoxide into the home, make sure you have a CM detector inside the home to warn you of this threat.

Get the flu shot – Flu related complications can be deadly, the flu shot can help protect against the virus and keep your loved one healthy and safe.

Stay warm inside – If you do not live with your loved one it is probably a good idea to check in on them more often to make sure the temperature in the home is appropriate.

Of course, these are only a few things to think about this winter, but also see our recent Caregiving Chronicles post for more tips as well as information on seasonal depression and fuel assistance.

Stay warm!