Self care is not selfish

Information, training and tips that help you STAY HEALTHY AS A FAMILY CAREGIVER!

Physical self-care.
Tips on finding the time to eat well, rest, keep doctors’ appointments, exercise.

Mental well-being.
How to avoid burnout by reducing stress, fatigue, anxiety, guilt, loneliness.

Spiritual fitness.
Ways to help yourself believe that you are enough, you’re doing the best you can, and it is ok to ask for help.


Elders and Driving

Having to give up your license is never an easy transition. For elders who may not understand the reasons why this happens it can be a confusing time where it seems like their independence is being t...


Online Support

Don’t have the time or ability to get out of the house and attend a support group? Don't worry, support is offered in so many places, including online.


Accept Your Feelings

Caregiving can bring on a lot of feelings and emotions. For most it is difficult to admit they feel angry, fearful, overwhelmed or anxious. These emotions and feelings do not mean you are a bad perso...


Balancing Caregiving, Family and Work

You may feel tugged in different directions and feel as though you can’t give 100 percent anywhere.


Long Distance Caregiving

Even if you do not live in the same area as your loved one you can still be caring for them from afar.


Remember the Veterans in Your Life

Being a veteran means living day to day life as a hero in disguise. And these heroes may walk among us today as our parents, our grandparents, our neighbors, or even you, the caregiver!


Celebrate Caregivers This Month- and Always!

November is National Family Caregivers Month! Progressive Care Partners has a great list of 10 ideas on how others can celebrate Caregivers this month!


Stress and Anxiety Reduction

Even a small “break” from a stressful situation (such as caregiving!) can help reset your body and give you more energy, positive feelings and lower stress.


Grandparents raising Grandchildren

Caring for a grandchild can be rewarding and overwhelming, and like caring for any loved one there is a lot of information, resources and support out there for grandparents that you may not know abou...


At Home Yoga/Meditation

Taking a “timeout” for yourself when you are a caregiver is not an easy task. But finding just 10 minutes a day for some yoga or meditation can be very beneficial for a person’s overall well being.