Self care is not selfish

Information, training and tips that help you STAY HEALTHY AS A FAMILY CAREGIVER!

Physical self-care.
Tips on finding the time to eat well, rest, keep doctors’ appointments, exercise.

Mental well-being.
How to avoid burnout by reducing stress, fatigue, anxiety, guilt, loneliness.

Spiritual fitness.
Ways to help yourself believe that you are enough, you’re doing the best you can, and it is ok to ask for help.


Resources for Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

Grandparents raising grandchildren face a unique set of challenges in their caregiving role, but there are resources designed specifically for caregivers in that situation.


Meet Alexa!

A smart speaker can be a great sense of security, a companion, fun and interactive device for someone who may be isolated.


What would you do with 15 min??

You may find yourself getting even a small break randomly and you spend the whole time trying to figure out what to do with that time or doing something that may not be stress relieving or rejuvenat...


A goodbye, and a hello

BayPath Elder Services Caregiver Specialist and creator of the Wellness Wall Alicia Rego bids farewell to BayPath, but she passes the torch to our new Caregiver Specialist, Karen Trilligan, who will ...


Shhh…..let’s all get some much needed sleep!

People with Alzheimer’s frequently have trouble falling and staying asleep during bedtime hours. Getting a good night’s sleep can be even harder for their caregivers...

Health Conditions

Engaging activities for you and a loved one with Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Seniors living with a form of dementia, often struggle to find activities that help them feel productive, capable and relaxed. This post provides many options that are stimulating for your ...

Health Conditions

Part II: Engaging activities for you and a loved one with Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Activities that keep your loved ones, especially those with Alzheimer’s and dementia, engaged in social activities.

Health Conditions

What is self-care and why is it so important?

Caregiver Specialist, Karen Trilligan, explains what self-care means and why it is so important to fit it into you daily routine.

Health Conditions

Journaling for Caregivers

Taking just a few minutes every day to write down your thoughts and emotions can offer therapeutic benefits.


How to make time for self-care

If you find yourself overwhelmed or burnt out, just take a deep breath and think about what activities you used to indulge in before you became a caregiver and then try these tips for figuring out ho...